Clubs and Activities

After-school hours enrich the curriculum of the school by making available a wide variety of activities in which a student can participate. Each student also has the opportunity to join the many clubs open each year. It is possible for a student to request a new club or activity if enough students are interested in it, a faculty sponsor is available, and if space and facilities can be provided.

Clubs and Activities

  • Yearbook
  • Vocal
  • Band
  • Jazz Ensemble
  • English Club
  • Math Club
  • Student Council
  • Science Club
  • Home & Careers Club
  • Dramatic Arts
  • Honor Society
  • Intramurals
  • Weather Bug Club
  • First Lego League/Robotics Club

Students remaining for after school clubs or sports are to remain under the direct supervision of their advisor/coach until dismissed from the building or to buses. A student must meet academic and behavioral standards to participate in athletics.