Infraction/Rules and Consequences

Infraction/Rules Consequences
(May be one or more of the following)
Possession of potentially dangerous objects (ex:gun, knife, or other weapons)
  • Suspension-Automatic 5 days
  • Superintendent’s hearing- possible long term suspension/change of placement
  • Contact legal authorities.
In possession or misuse of illegal or legal substances (Drugs, medications, alcohol, drug paraphernalia)
  • Suspension-Automatic 5 days
  • Superintendent’s hearing- possible long term suspension/change of placement
  • Contact legal authorities.
Physical abuse towards staff/student
  • Suspension-Automatic 5 days
  • Superintendent’s hearing- possible long term suspension/change of placement
  • Contact legal authorities.
Threatening violent acts towards the school (verbally or through electronics and or social media)
  • Suspension-Automatic 5 days
  • Superintendent’s hearing- possible long term suspension/change of placement
  • Contact legal authorities.
Fighting/acts of aggression towards other students
  • Automatic suspension
  • Superintendent’s hearing
  • Mediation between students
Fighting for willing participants
  • Automatic suspension
  • Automatic Superintendent’s hearing-possible long term
  • Medication between students
Smoking, smoking paraphernalia, vaping, vaping paraphernalia
  • Automatic suspension
Verbal abuse towards staff
  • Automatic suspension-Possible Superintendent’s hearing/change of placement.
Stealing/vandalizing/Destruction of school property
  • Suspension
  • Superintendent’s hearing
  • Possible contact of legal authorities
Inappropriate language
  • Detention/ISS/OSS depending on the severity and repeat offenders
  • Detention/ISS/OSS
  • Possible Superintendent’s hearing
  • Dignity Act Investigation (DASA)
  • Possible contacting of Contact legal authorities.
Unauthorized area: Students who do not have permission to be in any part of the building will be considered to be in an unauthorized area. Any students caught in an unauthorized area or leaving the school building or grounds will receive a consequence.
  • Automatic ISS or OSS
Loitering after school: Students must leave the school building after dismissal. Students must be under staff supervision when staying after school.
  • Possible detention
  • Repeated occurrences may result in ISS/OSS
Passes: Passes are a mandatory requirement in hallways
  • Warning/Detention/ISS/OSS
Late to School
  • Three or more school lateness’ per marking period will result in ISS
Cutting class
  • Automatic ISS or OSS
  • Repeated occurrences will result in OSS
Class lateness
  • Repeated occurrences will result in detention/ISS/OSS

All infractions will involve parent/guardian contact and/or parent conference.

All suspensions involve a meeting with an administrator upon return.

Students who cannot behave appropriately in ISS (In School Suspension) or who refuse ISS will receive OSS (Out of School Suspension).

Students who are suspended out of school may attend the after school Reed academy.